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MKMMA Week 3 It’s starting…

Things are changing. I’m thinking differently, and things are “going” differently. Phew, because I was a stressed out entrepreneur. I have good things to offer the world, but all the “should’s” I put on myself made me a bad boss…to me! I love creating easy to understand models to help people understand how to achieve…

MKMMA Week 2: Struggling…

Adding new goals, no matter how lofty, is tricky for me. Somehow have I allowed “things” in all their wily ways, to steal my most precious resources, time and attention. I want them back. I have to take a serious look at how I can be so busy while being my own boss, with grown…

MKMMA Week 1 Being willing…

“I want to change the world…” So many of us say it. Why? What is prompting you to believe it should be different? Somehow, you sense there is something better? We should be more__________. We should fix________________. I’m thinking there are two important questions: Why should we be more_____________? and How are we going to…

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